Orders placed after 8pm the day before your market may not be filled in time. Please contact us to assure your order will be there (RobertHStaples@gmail.com or 434-305-6649). PLEASE SELECT THE MARKET YOU’D LIKE TO PICKUP FROM. Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, and Stafford Customers: Your order cut off is 10PM Thursday (you can contact us to request an exception). Richmond Customers: We apologize, but market management no longer allows vendors to sell their products using their own web pages for delivery at the Bryan Park or SOJ Markets. You can still buy most all of our great products directly at the market. You can also email or call us directly to arrange for items to be held for you at the market to be purchased at pickup (434-964-7070 or Rob@HogHavenFarm.com). Hot sandwiches are "originals" only. Modifications can be requested in 'note to vendor' field. Hot food generally only available for pickup/delivery in and around farmers’ market hours and locations. For special delivery/pickup/catering options, please contact us (434-305-6649). OTHER: Select 'Other' below if you do not see your market in the list or if you wish to set up an alternative pickup/delivery. You can put any special instructions in the message field, but we will be in touch to confirm your best option. Note that shipping cost for long distance delivery of cold items tends to be prohibitive at this time, but contact us and we will be happy to give you a quote.